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View Full Version : Currency changes that have made huge profits

10-13-2011, 09:08 PM
Here are some currency changes that have made huge profits. Check out the Swiss Franc, it has come across a currency floor against the Euro, moving it over 2000 pips (20%!) in less than a month. Any fx traders out there? It looks like Aussie is in for big gains but there are also rumors of interest rate cuts.

01-21-2013, 06:22 AM
Money makes the world go around, and lots of things can impact the value of that money. You can't control any of these factors that change the value of money, but you definitely need to understand what they are so that you can make tactical decisions about when to buy or sell a particular currency.

07-05-2013, 01:44 AM
I have seen many people who earning money by changes of currency. It is a profitable way to earn money. Flisterjack says well. I appreciate his comment.

11-29-2013, 01:06 PM
Some of my friends are also earning good money by changes of currency..Its really a very nice method. Definitely much profitable activity..